Monday, September 15, 2008

Hello to Texas, Korea, and Australia!

Hi to all!

I'm sorry we're off to such a slow start in California. All of us were surfing, of course, and didn't have time for anything related to school. 8^)

Actually, this is our first time to try such a project, so I look forward to learning from you all. If I seem to have gone totally quiet, feel free to send a quick message to rh(at)nextvista(dot)org, and that will wake me up.

For reference, I'm a Japanese language teacher at a normal high school in Santa Clara, a town in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California. I also run a nonprofit called Next Vista for Learning (, which is working to build a free library of educational videos by and for teachers and students everywhere. I enjoy technology, traveling, juggling, and my family, which is made up of me, my wife, and our three cats (Gordita, Flaka, and Chiquita, in order of both age and weight).

Chiquita is on the left and Flaka is on the right. Gordita was too big for the picture. This one is titled, "Evidence That They Can Get Along".

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